Crisis Coaching

As we progress up the organizational hierarchy, we sometimes find that success can depend more on political skill than on what we ordinarily think of as professional competence. The two are intertwined indistinguishably. This becomes especially clear in organizational crisis, when careers are on the line. In these situations, career success depends more on political skill and intuition than on professional competence. Crisis coaching clients get guidance and objectivity they need in the crisis environment.

Organizational politics helps determine the success or failure of any organization. The nature and quality of the politics of an organization is an asset just as important as its patents, or its factories, or its brands. Yet we rarely manage that asset as carefully as we do other kinds of assets. Sometimes, we even deny its existence. Even when we acknowledge the importance of organizational politics, we can feel guilty about participating, or dirty after having done so.

Some of us participate in politics with zeal. Enjoyment or passion about politics can lead to practice — and with practice comes skill. Often, the most skilled practitioners seem to pay the least attention to ethical or moral questions. When an organization is dominated by such people, the asset — the political fabric — becomes a liability. If people of integrity remain politically disengaged or inept, the organization suffers.

In organizational crises, differences in political skill, which often correlates with what might be termed "moral flexibility," can threaten careers, and even the organization itself. It is this phenomenon that we saw manifested at Enron, at Andersen, at WorldCom and others in 2002. With few exceptions, the senior managers of these organizations were people of integrity, yet they were unable to prevent a few politically effective and less ethical individuals from leading the organization astray.

Crisis coaching is an intensive experience in which clients gain skill in the art and science of organizational politics in times of crisis. As a crisis coaching client, you benefit in four ways:

  • Increased access to your own political creativity
  • Education about the experiences of others through case studies and historical analogies
  • Mitigation of the effects of immersion in a toxic brew of political warfare
  • Guidance and support for maintaining a grip on your integrity in times of crisis

Confidentiality is assured. To prevent possible conflicts of interest, I accept only one client per organization.


In-person and telephone coaching are priced differently. Coaching is most effective if we can meet in person, and when we can do that, pricing depends on your location and the length of my visit. Contact me for more information

I do understand that economics sometimes prohibit a face-to-face meeting. That's why I offer special rates for telephone coaching. Discounts are available for long-term arrangements or for purchases in blocks of ten hours or more, after a special introductory five-hour arrangement. Order now

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