This is a collection for you to use. I've limited it to articles, articles collections, bibliographies, and links collections, and systematically excluded seminar and workshop descriptions, teasers intended to encourage you to buy the full article, PowerPoint slides, course descriptions, course syllabi, broken links, and all the other items that make Web searching so tedious.
I don't necessarily agree with everything you'll find at the sites and pages listed here. If you know of something you think I ought to include, or if you find a broken link,
Finally, the counts of broken links are provided only as a guide. Some that appeared to be broken at the time I checked them might have been repaired, or the problem might have been transient. And some that appeared to be OK when I tested them might not be working now.
- Change
- Communication
- Conflict
- Enterprise Emergencies
- General Business Topics
- Interpersonal Dynamics
- Leadership
- Meetings
- Occupational Violence and Bullying
- Project Management
- Remote Management
- Teamwork
- Virtual Teams
- Women at Work
- Workplace Humor
- Workplace Politics
- Your Mood at Work
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- Attribution Theory
- from [Reviewed Sep 2016]
- An overview of how we explain what happens in the world, and to ourselves in particular, from the perspective of persuasion.
- Attribution Theory
- by Steve Booth-Butterfield [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- A readable and comprehensive look at Attribution Theory, which is a model of how people explain cause.
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- Study: 'Emoticons' provide insight to workplace status
- by Tara S. Donahue, Vanderbilt Daily Register [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Discussion of the connection between the use of emoticons and workplace politics. Includes a reference to the original work.
- Emoji at Work: Managing With a Wink and a :)
- by Dahlia Bazzaz [Reviewed Sep 2016]
- Discussion of trends in the use of emoji and emoticons at work.
- Language in the Workplace
- from Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- A well-designed resource collection. Deals with language use in New Zealand workplaces.
- A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email
- by Kaitlin Duck Sherwood [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Annotated. A rich collection sharply focused.
- Bibliography on Email
- from Mark Dredze [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Many entries hyperlinked to original sources. Not annotated.
- Rhetoric for Engineers
- by Ron Graham [Reviewed May 2005]
- Actually a tease for a book on communication skills, but worth a read. Also a brief bibliography.
- Conversation-Matters: Resources
- by Loren Ekroth [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Resources of all kinds, including books.
- Conversation-Matters: Articles
- by Loren Ekroth [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Hundreds of articles on conversation and communication, all by Dr. Ekroth.
- Communication Research Guide
- by Deborah M. LaFond [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- A library research guide from the University of Albany
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- Books and Web Resources
- from Conflict Dynamics Profile [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- Articles about conflict competence.
- A Bibliography of Organizational Conflict Management
- by John Ford, Dana Mediation Institute [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Approximately 50 entries in a conventional format, no links. To find whether any of the entries are on the Web anywhere, you'll have to use a search engine.
- Effective Mediation Resources Conflict Systems
- from Oregon Mediation Center, Inc. [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- Many, many articles on conflict and conflict management. Page after page of short summaries, with links to the full articles. A little difficult to navigate or to find out what's here.
- Bibliography on Dispute Resolution in Higher Education (v 5.0)
- by Bill Warters, PhD [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- Heavily annotated — probably more so than any I've seen. No links to original sources or even to source journals. Last updated 2002.
- Conflict Management Process
- by Gregorio Billikopf [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- A small collection focused on conflict.
- The Free Conflict Help Center
- by Robert Bacal, Bacal and Associates [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- A long article, with links to a free ebook and audio program
- The Conflict Resolution Information Source
- from Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- An amazing resource. It's a bit difficult to navigate, but considering the size of the database, it's well worth it. Use the search facility.
- Conflict Resolution
- by Harry Webne-Behrman, Office of Quality Improvement and Office of Human Resource Development, University of Wisconsin [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- So much material here, you have to consider it an on-line course. Includes streaming audio.
- Resolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution
- from Dr. Tony Fiore [Reviewed Jan 2007]
- A readable article that covers some of the most important basics of dealing with workplace conflict.
Enterprise Emergencies
- Business Continuity: Advanced Resources
- from Continuity Central [Reviewed May 2007]
- An extensive links collection of resources for emergency management and business continuity.
- Glossary of General Business Continuity Management Terms
- from Business Continuity Institute [Reviewed May 2007]
- An extensive glossary of continuity terminology
- Links
- from Business Continuity Institute [Reviewed May 2007]
- A small links collection. All entries are organizations related to business continuity and disaster recovery.
General Business Topics
- Complex Thoughts
- from University of Wisconsin Eau Claire [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- A collection of white papers about topics related to leading and managing student organizations — or any organization, for that matter.
- Business Administration Faculty Publications and Presentations
- by Portland State University Business Administration Faculty [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Academic research in a broad range of fields within business administration
- Articles and Advice from
- from [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- A vast collection of articles on a broad array of business-related topics.
- Alaska Leadership Solutions
- by Charlie Dexter [Reviewed Sep 2017]
- A collection of articles by Charlie Dexter
Interpersonal Dynamics
- Sexual Politics in the W.o.r.k.p.l.a.c.e.
- by Morris Sullivan [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Great personal stories, though they are more about sex and politics in the workplace than they are about sexual politics in the workplace.
- Workplace Fairness
- from the National Employee Rights Institute, Inc. [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A great resource both for those who feel they are being treated unfairly, and for managers and supervisors who want to learn how to do it right. Links, phone numbers, addresses. US-centric.
- Free Management Library
- by Carter MacNamara, Authenticity Consulting, LLC [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- A vast array of articles and links collections on topics related to managing and working with others.
- Ask the Workplace Doctors
- from [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- In the format of questions and answers, this article archive covers a wide array of everyday interpersonal situations.
- On the Job
- from MonsterTRAK [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A small collection, focusing mostly on topics related to job transition.
- Articles
- from The Triage Mediation Center [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Working Wounded
- by Bob Rosner [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Reflections on Leadership
- by Edward Miller [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Article
- Online Bibliography of Military Leadership
- by David D. Van Fleet [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A vast resource on leadership, especially military leadership. Organized alphabetically per page, so it's difficult to print, but it's so big, you probably won't want to. Searchable. Not annotated, no links.
- The Art and Science of Leadership
- by Don Clark [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- A survey of concepts and tools of leadership; many original articles.
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- 3M Meeting Network
- from 3M [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Numerous articles about meetings and meetings technology. Has a 3M slant, of course, but still very useful.
- Presentations and Meetings
- [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Presentations for project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.
- Chairing Meetings
- from Secretariat, Treasury Board of Canada [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- A special emphasis on bilingual and multilingual meetings.
- How to Lead Effective Meetings
- by Kathleen Paris, Office of Quality Improvement and Office of Human Resource Development, University of Wisconsin [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- So much material here, you have to consider it an on-line course. Includes streaming audio.
- Do you know the rules and manners of an effective virtual meeting?
- by Loretta W. Prencipe [Reviewed Sep 2017]
- One of many articles from the 'Management' section of ITWorld.
Occupational Violence and Bullying
- Workplace Bullying Institute
- [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Links collections, studies and reports. A comprehensive collection.
- Workplace bullying's high cost: $180M in lost time, productivity
- by Liz Urbanski Farrell, Orlando Business Journal [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Links to related articles, and a link to the Orlando Business Journal's searchable archive.
- Workplace Violence: A Selected Bibliography
- by Angie Zupancich, M.A. Educational Psychology, Doctoral Student in Human Resource Development, University of Minnesota through Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A conventional bibliography — no links, not annotated.
- Occupational violence in Australia
- from The Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- A huge collection of articles and links to other resources.
- Workplace Violence
- from Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Small collection of links to resources for workplace violence issues. Somewhat dated.
- Bully On Line
- from The Field Foundation [Reviewed Mar 2005]
- A truly amazing resource for bullying and related issues. Workplace, family, school. Even resources for employers.
- Psychological Abuse in the Workplace
- by Robyn Mann [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Comprehensive overview of workplace psychological abuse
Project Management
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- Silicon Valley Product Management Association
- Project Management Institute
- The PM Forum
- [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A vast array of resources for project managers, including a blog, a forum, lists of professional organizations, a library, lists of journals and newsletters, and on and on. A must-bookmark for project managers.
- The Association for Project Management
- Management Science
- from [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Articles and links to publications emphasizing business process reengineering, change management, competitive intelligence, customer relationship management, knowledge management, leadership project management, strategic planning, supply chain management and total quality management.
- Project Management
- [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- For project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.
- Online Guide to Project Management Resources
- from [Reviewed Jan 2013]
- A collection of links to sites and software of particular interest to project managers.
- 10 Tips for Project Management Prosperity
- by Villanova University [Reviewed Jan 2013]
- A concise article offering 10 tips for project managers.
Remote Management
- Virtual Teams Bibliography
- from Johns Hopkins University, Human Services [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- A conventional bibliography of about 20 entries.
- Pair Programming Bibliography
- from The Software Process Resource Collection of the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- An annotated bibliography with links to on line resources.
- Swenson's Site Map
- by Dave Swenson, the College of St. Scholastica [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- An extensive links collection, including items on teamwork, marketing, human resource management, organizational development and more.
- Teams and Teamwork
- by Roger Greenaway [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Reviews of teamwork Web sites.
- Bibliography on Leadership Development
- from Leadership Development Institute, Ohio Literacy Development Center [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A conventional bibliography, no links, not annotated. Most sources 1990-1997.
- Teams and Teamwork
- from Headquarters, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Both a bibliography and a links collection.
- Team Building: An Annotated Bibliography of My Personal Favorites
- by Glenn Parker [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Teamwork Links: selected reviews of teamwork websites
- by Roger Greenaway [Reviewed Jun 2005]
- A goldmine, superbly organized. Includes reviews.
- Free Literature
- from Center for Collaborative Organizations, University of North Texas [Reviewed Feb 2007]
- Articles about teamwork in organizations and an annotated bibliography.
- by Hermann Loeh and Olivier Rerolle [Reviewed Jun 2005]
- A library and links collection with a European focus on virtual organizations. Membership is free.
Virtual Teams
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- Intercultural and Virtual Teams Bibliography
- by Dr. Lynne Siemens [Reviewed Sep 2017]
- Numerous references to journal articles on the subject. Most recent date: 2013. Unfortunately, no links.
Women at Work
- Links especially useful for women in the workplace
- from [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- The workplace collection of a much larger collection of links of interest to women.
- Web sites and links
- from TrendSight [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Links about women, with a marketing/sales slant.
- A Bibliography for Women and Other Scientists
- by Prof. Justine Cassell, MIT Media Lab [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A conventional bibliography, not annotated. Some links, but none live.
- Women-Related Business/Work Web Sites
- by Joan Korenman [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Sites useful to academic women's studies programs
- Women and Work
- from XPNDC [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Links in these categories: Career Development, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Equality, Financial Info, History, Networking, Political, Social Status Improvement, Vocation, Women and Family, and Working Women Organizations.
- Current Career Topics
- from [Reviewed May 2005]
- About 30 articles on topics including stress management, delegation, and mastering workplace politics.
- JCSW Links and Resources Page
- from The Joint Committeee on the Status of Women (Harvard Medical School) [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- A links collection and a bibliography
Workplace Humor
- Dictionary of performance review terms
- by David Pratt [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- Essential for those who want to know what their performance reviews really mean.
- Employee Performance Review No No's
- from Interactive Human Resources [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- Excerpts from actual performance reviews. I believe that this page is a copy of something originally published at InteractiveHR, but that site has apparently taken it down.
- Performance Review: A BAD Quarter At Java Jamboree
- by Dan Heath, contributing writer, HarBusOnline, the student newspaper of the Havard Business School [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- A satire of a performance review
- Office and Workplace Humor, Jokes and Cartoons
- from [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- Big collection, with a few gems in it.
- Humor
- from [Reviewed Sep 2017]
- A large collection.
- Office Humor
- from [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- A sizeable collection, annotated.
- Workplace, Job and Career Humor Columns
- by Madeleine Begun Kane [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- Articles by the author; other categories too.
- The Customer Is Never Right!
- by [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- An entire Web site devoted to customer disservice.
- from [Reviewed Dec 2004]
- Excerpts from real-life resumes. Visit their Hall of Fame.
- Villa de Loon
- by Tiber [Reviewed Feb 2010]
- A funny blog. Tiber lost his job and moved back in with his rich, eccentric family, only to find that the "eccentric" part remains but the "rich" may be going.
Workplace Politics
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- The Impact of Organizational Politics on Information Systems Project Failure: A Case Study
- by Leoni Warne and Dennis Hart, from the IEEE 29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Volume 4: Organizational Systems and Technology, January 3-6, 1996. [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Abstract only. Full text for fee or membership.
- Bureaucracy and Organizational Politics: Emergent Characteristics of Structure
- by Gene Bellenger. [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A fairly abstract systems-oriented look at organizational politics.
- The Study of Information System Development (ISD) Process from the Perspectives of Power Development Stage and Organizational Politics
- by L.-H. Chang, T.-C. Lin, and W. Sheng, from the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'02)-Volume 8, January 7-10, 2002. [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- Abstract only. Full text for fee or membership.
- Organizational Politics versus the World Wide Web
- from Next Wave Consulting, from the Internet Reference Services Quarterly 2, No.1/2, 1998. [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- The role that organizational politics plays in the design, setup and success of a organization-wide web site.
- Fly Under the Radar to Absorb Delicate Office Politics
- by Peter Vogt, MonsterTRAK Career Coach [Reviewed Oct 2004]
- How to ease into the politics when you move to a new organization.
- Office-Politics
- from [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- Advice site
- Office Politics
- by Guy Browning, The Weekend Guardian [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- Columns and cartoons of business satirist and speaker Guy Browning.
- Work
- from [Reviewed Jun 2016]
- Many articles, diverse topics
- Kill or be killed
- by Virginia Matthews, Guardian Unlimited Jobs [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- Escalating workloads are resulting in a culture of internal politicking and deceit, according to a new management survey.
- The New Face of Office Politics
- by Polly LaBarre, Fast Company, October 1999 [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- A general overview, containing some insights into the connection between workplace politics and some current trends in business practice.
- Eliminate office politics and end many problems in companies
- by Gerald Graham, Wichita Business Journal, February, 1998 [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- The advice in this article is to shun political deals. I personally wonder about the practicality of this strategy, but you be the judge. See also Office politics are a permanent part of the corporate landscape for another view.
- Office politics are a permanent part of the corporate landscape
- by Gerald Graham, Wichita Business Journal, January, 2000 [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- The assumption here is that you can't eliminate politics. Given that, here's how to deal with politics. See also Eliminate office politics and end many problems in companies for another view.
- Career Journal
- from The Wall Street Journal's career columnists [Reviewed Nov 2004]
- As near as I can tell, the entire collection of columns from the left column of page B1, plus other items that as far as I know, are unavailable in the Journal's print editions. I've put this one in this category, but it belongs everywhere.
Your Mood at Work
- Chaco Canyon Consulting
- Visit the collection of articles I've written on this topic. All are available in full and without fee.
- Anger Management Articles
- from Anger Management Online [Reviewed Jan 2012]
- Links to articles about anger management in multiple contexts, including work, home and relationships.
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