ECheck out an independent review at List-A-Dayach Wednesday, you'll receive a brief email message describing a situation that will probably be familiar to you, and suggesting some ways for dealing with it that you might not have thought of. The intent is to expand your vocabulary of responses, to make you aware of more choices, so that when you next face a similar situation, you might deal with it a little better than last time. I respect your time — every article is just about 500 words, give or take a few.
- View some samples (archive of past issues)
- What readers say
- If I subscribe, will I start getting more spam?
- How to suggest a topic — anonymously, if you wish
- Why "Point Lookout"?
- Subscription form
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- Do you get too much email already? Order the e-book: Geese Don't Land on Twigs (and other observations about life at work)
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- How to subscribe via RSS feed
Will I start getting more spam?
Absolutely not. I will not release your address to any third party for any purpose, unless you ask me to. I do ask for some information about you in the form below, but it's solely for internal use to help me understand who my subscribers are, where my subscribers come from, and what their interests are. I do not send spam — ever.
How to suggest a topic
If you'd like to suggest a topic, just send it to me by email: If you need anonymity, send your suggestion using the Point Lookout message form, which doesn't require your contact information, and which won't contain your email address unless you provide it.
Why "Point Lookout"?

The Point Lookout Sandstone is the oldest element of the Mesa Verde Group of rocks, which comprise the geology of Chaco Canyon. While the Point Lookout sandstone isn't actually visible in the canyon, it can be seen at Mesa Verde, and it forms the foundation of the geological structures at Chaco. I took its name for my email newsletter because I was looking for something that suggested a longer view — a vantage point from which we can better see where we're going. So when I found that this name was also connected to Chaco Canyon, I knew it had to be. The photo above is a view of Point Lookout, which is crowned with the sandstone that bears its name. (Photo courtesy US National Park Service)
How to subscribe via RSS feed
You can also receive Point Lookout via RSS feed. Each Wednesday's issue becomes available via RSS on the following Sunday. The advantages of RSS are many, but perhaps the main ones are that it reduces your email load and it isn't subject to overly aggressive spam filtering. To subscribe via RSS, you'll need an RSS reader, and then you'll point it at the feed for Point Lookout, which is http://www./rss/feed.xml. Learn more about how and why to subscribe via RSS.
Subscription form
To subscribe, fill out this form and click "Submit". You'll receive a message welcoming you, and including instructions for unsubscribing. All fields are optional except your email address, which we ask that you enter twice, and which is marked with an asterisk.
- Win a free copy of Geese Don't Land on Twigs
- If you were referred by a friend or colleague who is already a subscriber, fill in their email address in the box labeled "How You Heard," and you'll each receive copies of Geese Don't Land on Twigs (and other observations about life at work), a collection of two years of past issues of Point Lookout.
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