Enterprise Spreadsheet Management: A Hyperbook

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the annual budget exercise. The templates have gone out, and you wonder — when should I start filling it out? Should I get started right away? Or should I at least wait for the first recall, so I won't waste my time again this year?

Or you're managing the proposal process, and you need inputs from all the task leaders. You send out the templates, hoping that they contain no errors this time. They don't, but then Finance changes some of the enterprise-wide load factors that are built into your templates. And some of the task leaders call to let you know that there aren't enough rows in one of the template sections for their needs. So you give them a special version, and resolve to handle theirs by hand.

It doesn't have to be this way.Enterprise Spreadsheet Management

Enterprise Spreadsheet Management, downloadable hyperbook Edition shows you another approach to gathering and managing enterprise data using spreadsheets.

This Hyperbook — available on line or as a stand-alone Web site that you read with your Web browser — is packed with tips, techniques, tools and dozens of worked examples that show you:

  • How to build templates that prevent user errors
  • How to construct spreadsheets that flex with user needs, without writing complicated macros
  • How to provide users with tools that make everyone's lives — yours and theirs — easier
  • How to avoid recalls, and how to manage them when you can't avoid them
  • How to keep maintenance costs to a minimum

Here's a sampling of topics:

  • Controlling User Input: Styles, validations and templates
  • Filling Your Toolbox: Function macros, command macros and add-ins
  • Taming the Rollup Monster: Architecture for maintenance
  • Agile Spreadsheets: Structuring worksheets for fast-turn maintenance and development
  • Simple Databases: Using worksheets to store data about your system
  • Managing Spreadsheet Development Projects: Spreadsheet inspections
  • Data Migration: Moving data from place to place
  • Managing Orderly Recalls: Techniques for automatic mitigation
  • Accommodating Variation: Providing for idiosyncratic needs of users
  • Quality and Testing: Finding defects before going into production
  • Security: Protecting confidential data
  • Distribution, Release, Training and Customer Support
  • Sharing Assets: Managing shared tools and workbooks

Two formats

This course is available in two formats. Both of them include worked examples and demonstrations, and both have a search capability to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

On line
It's available at this Web site, for those who have good access to the Internet and want to have the benefit of the continuous improvements I'm constantly making to the course.
Downloadable hyperbook
Or order it as a downloadable zip file. It's only about 5.0 MBytes compressed.


Order on line using your credit card, or send a check payable to Chaco Canyon Consulting to the address below. Call for volume or site license pricing at the phone number below.

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Order Enterprise Spreadsheet Management, on-line edition, 3 mos. by credit card, for each, using our secure server, and you'll receive login instructions shortly.
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Order Enterprise Spreadsheet Management, downloadable hyperbook Edition by credit card, for each, using our secure server, and receive download instructions by return email.
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