Point Lookout: a free weekly publication of Chaco Canyon Consulting
Volume 25, Issue 9;   February 26, 2025: Devious Political Tactics: Bad Decisions

Devious Political Tactics: Bad Decisions


When workplace politics influences the exchanges that lead to important organizational decisions, we sometimes make decisions for reasons other than the best interests of the organization. Recognizing these tactics can limit the risk of bad decisions.
A Crusader tank with its 'sunshield' lorry camouflage erected 26 October 1942

A Crusader tank with its 'sunshield' lorry camouflage erected, 26 October 1942. To protect their tanks, and to conceal from the German army where and how many they were, the British camouflaged their tanks as trucks. Camouflage is a technique not discussed in this post, but it is certainly among the class of devious political tactics. Image source: the collections of the Imperial War Museums, courtesy Wikipedia.

Devious political operators don't make decisions intended to harm their organizations. Well, not often. But frequently they do intentionally take steps that incidentally — that is, as collateral damage — incidentally do lead others to make decisions that harm their organizations. And the steps they take that lead to these bad decisions appear superficially to be reasonable, or even constructive. That superficial appearance is what makes detection and prevention of intentional bad decisions so difficult. But by studying the techniques people use, and becoming familiar with their general structure, we can make a first step towards prevention.

Defining workplace politics

To be careful, I begin by clearly defining workplace politics. There are dozens of definitions, maybe more. Here's mine:

Workplace politics is what happens when we contend with each other for control or dominance, or when we work together to solve specific problems.

Thus a Workplace politics is what happens when
we contend with each other for control or
dominance, or when we work
together to solve specific problems
political tactic is one that's employed in the course of engaging in workplace politics. Notice that in these definitions there is no stipulation that the effect of the political activity be harmful (or helpful) to the organization, or that the activity be in service to the organization, or that it be in service to the political actor. What makes activity political is whether or not it involves multiple people, contending for control or dominance, working together to solve a problem.

Defining devious political tactics

For me, a devious political tactic must meet six criteria.

  • It is essentially political, in the above sense.
  • Its advocates appear to intend to be helpful to the organization. They might or might not actually be helpful, but they do appear to be.
  • At least some of its advocates are primarily concerned with achieving an objective they know to have harmful effects on the organization.
  • It has a primary advocate. If there are multiple advocates, one advocate is identifiable as primary.
  • The tactic is structured such that there is no evidence linking the primary advocate to the harmful objective.
  • The tactic provides the primary advocate plausible deniability, though deniability might or might not be provided to other advocates.

Examples of devious political tactics

I've published descriptions of some of the more commonly used devious tactics in past posts. They are summarized at the end of this post. Here are three more devious political tactics, emphasizing those that lead people to make decisions of lesser quality than they otherwise would.

Speak in code
Especially in meetings, make unnecessary use of jargon, new or rarely used acronyms or initialisms, or technical terms to make a point or raise an issue that could be better expressed in plain language. The idea here is to compel others to ask for clarification, thereby establishing oneself as more expert in important matters than anyone else in attendance.
In the worst case, people are unwilling to expose their ignorance by asking for clarification. They then guess at the speaker's meaning. If they guess incorrectly, the group might make a mistaken decision that leads to an outcome inferior to what would have resulted if everyone understood the import of the speaker's comment. See "Self-Importance and Conversational Narcissism at Work: II," Point Lookout for October 11, 2023, for more.
Argue against risk management measures
Procedures such as assessments, audits, and inspections are regarded as best practices because they are effective ways to manage risk. And often, they do so by limiting the costs and delays associated with events that haven't yet occurred. Offered the option of executing these procedures, decision-makers must choose between (A) executing the procedures, which have non-zero but small immediate costs and delays, and (B) bypassing the procedures, which has no immediate costs and delays, but which has a significant probability of high costs and delays in the future if risk events do materialize.
Option B is attractive if risk events don't occur. Costs are low and delivery is earlier. It has the additional "benefit" of concealing prior bad decisions. If there are past decisions someone wants to conceal, those arguing for Option B might have a hidden agenda.
Hoard information selectively
Decision quality is limited by the quality of the information on which the decision is based. By withholding information, or by providing incomplete or inaccurate information, the devious operator can lead decision-makers to make a decision along the operator's preferred lines. The sophisticated operator can do this while appearing to be fully transparent.
For example, by revealing important information only after the time window for using it has closed, the sophisticated operator can claim to have provided the information even though it was withheld for all practical purposes. See "Devious Political Tactics: Mis- and Disinformation," Point Lookout for May 1, 2013, for more.
Scheduling a meeting so as to control attendance
Controlling the attendance list for a meeting is one way to influence its outcome. Usually the owner of the meeting controls the attendance list. But there are other ways to control the attendance list.
For example, suppose that Person A chairs Meeting #1, or at least plays a critical role there. And suppose Person B chairs Meeting #2, and does not want Person A to attend Meeting #2. By scheduling Meeting #2 to conflict with Meeting #1, Person B ensures the absence of Person A.
But in that example, it isn't necessary for the two meetings to conflict entirely. Suppose that only one agenda item of Meeting #2 is sensitive. If Person B controls the agenda of Meeting #2, B need only arrange for the agenda item in question to conflict with Meeting #1.

Last words

There is always the possibility that someone will use these posts as a guide for nefarious activity, instead of as a guide for detecting nefarious activity. The best defense against that scenario is wide circulation. Send this link to everyone you know: https://c4i.co/3o5 . Go to top Top  Next issue: On Begging the Question  Next Issue

303 Secrets of Workplace PoliticsIs every other day a tense, anxious, angry misery as you watch people around you, who couldn't even think their way through a game of Jacks, win at workplace politics and steal the credit and glory for just about everyone's best work including yours? Read 303 Secrets of Workplace Politics, filled with tips and techniques for succeeding in workplace politics. More info

Past posts about devious political tactics

Here are links to past posts about devious political tactics:

More about Devious Political Tactics

A credit thiefDevious Political Tactics: Credit Appropriation  [September 24, 2003]
Managers and supervisors who take credit for the work of subordinates or others who feel powerless are using a tactic I call Credit Appropriation. It's the mark of the unsophisticated political operator.

A rhinestone-decorated pacifierDevious Political Tactics: The False Opportunity  [October 1, 2003]
Workplace politics can make any environment dangerous, both to your career and to your health. This excerpt from my little catalog of devious political tactics describes the false opportunity, which appears to be a chance to perform, to contribute, or to make a real difference. It's often something else.

Three-legged racing teamDevious Political Tactics: The Three-Legged Race  [October 15, 2003]
The Three-Legged Race is a tactic that some managers use to avoid giving one person new authority. Some of the more cynical among us use it to sabotage projects or even careers. How can you survive a three-legged race?

Scott McLellan, White House Press Secretary, 2003-2006Devious Political Tactics: Cutouts  [September 29, 2004]
Cutouts are people or procedures that enable political operators to communicate in safety. Using cutouts, operators can manipulate their environments while limiting their personal risk. How can you detect cutouts? And what can you do about them?

The Roman ColosseumDevious Political Tactics: Divide and Conquer: I  [July 6, 2005]
While most leaders try to achieve organizational unity, some do use divisive tactics to maintain control, or to elevate performance by fostering competition. Understanding the risks of these tactics can motivate you to find another way.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin PowellDevious Political Tactics: A Field Manual  [November 7, 2007]
Some practitioners of workplace politics use an assortment of devious tactics to accomplish their ends. Since most of us operate in a fairly straightforward manner, the devious among us gain unfair advantage. Here are some of their techniques, and some suggestions for effective responses.

Allied leaders at the Yalta Conference in February, 1945Devious Political Tactics: More from the Field Manual  [August 29, 2012]
Careful observation of workplace politics reveals an assortment of devious tactics that the ruthless use to gain advantage. Here are some of their techniques, with suggestions for effective responses.

George Orwell's 1933 press card photo issued by the Branch of the National Union of JournalistsDevious Political Tactics: Mis- and Disinformation  [May 1, 2013]
Practitioners of workplace politics intent on gaining unfair advantage sometimes use misinformation, disinformation, and other information-related tactics. Here's a short catalog of techniques to watch for.

A Crusader tank with its 'sunshield' lorry camouflage erected 26 October 1942Devious Political Tactics: Bad Decisions  [February 26, 2025]
When workplace politics influences the exchanges that lead to important organizational decisions, we sometimes make decisions for reasons other than the best interests of the organization. Recognizing these tactics can limit the risk of bad decisions.

And here are some topics in the queue for future posts.

  • Contract killers and enforcers
  • The hospital pass
  • Lying
  • Blocking an effort that would benefit a rival
  • Using rhetorical trickery to prevail in debates
  • Drawing plausible but misleading conclusions from truthful data
  • Designating a hero so as to limit someone else's power
  • The true costs of valuing loyalty over merit
  • Exploiting boldness to create credibility

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Coaching services

I offer email and telephone coaching at both corporate and individual rates. Contact Rick for details at rbrentSgXnAlNVWlhxNIJner@ChacAtZoEYrrmofzZnjPoCanyon.com or (650) 787-6475, or toll-free in the continental US at (866) 378-5470.

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